Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Another child dies in listeria outbreak linked to ready-to-eat meat and poultry products

A second child has died in an 8-state listeria outbreak linked to the same recalled Yu Shang Foods ready-to-eat meat and poultry products, according to federal state officials. According to federal state officials, the goods were purchased online and at national retail locations.

Nineteen cases have been reported, of which 17 are hospitalized, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. updateStates where the illnesses have been seen include: California, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, Pristine Jersey, Pristine New York, Oregon and Tennessee.

The CDC said seven illnesses are consistent with being pregnant.

In California, a mother and her twin were ill and both children died, although because Listeria was found once in a sample of the mother and in one of the twins, only the mother and one of the twins are included in the cases shown. Is. Outbreak.

In Tennessee, a mother and her child were ill and the child died.

The company said that samples from the unwell family were collected from October 24, 2021 to October 28, 2024.

The CDC said the outbreak may be larger than reported, because families who became ill may not have been tested for listeria. It takes 3 to 4 weeks to determine whether a person once had a fatal disease.

Listeria will also be especially devastating for pregnant families, those 65 or older at family time, and those with weak immunity-free technology.

Countries affected by the outbreak reported purchasing their food from some retail stores and online where Yu Shang food products are sold.

Officials directed that people who have recalled merchandise should throw it out or take it back. Manufactured before October 28, 2024, the recalled goods include goods with “Yu Shang” or “Yushang” on the label (quantity “P46684” or “EST. M46684”, as the case may be).

Symbol of the recalled Yu Shang Meals ready-to-eat meat and poultry products.

US facilities for surveillance and prevention of the disorder

Spartanburg, South Carolina-based Yu Shang Meals in late November Remembered that About 72,240 kg of ready-to-eat meat and poultry products, increasing its former Memorization Of four,589 kilograms of product.

are listed below Name According to the list updated by the USDA, the recalled Yu Shang Food products:

  • Eastern Chasu Beef Belly
  • Braised Beef Belly in Brown Sauce
  • Seasoned Beef Toes
  • Spicy Beef Hock
  • Chinese logo highly spicy duck head
  • yushang logo cooked chicken
  • Chinese logo highly spicy duck neck
  • Bazen Seasoned Whole Cock
  • Chinese logo highly spicy duck tongue
  • Chinese logo spicy duck wings
  • chinese language logo cock toes
  • Yushang sausage made from beef and chicken
  • Spicy Beef Tongue
  • seasoned cock quarter leg
  • Braised Red Meat Shank
  • Braised Rooster Szechuan Pepper Flavor
  • Yu Shang Logo Cooked Beef Hock
  • Seasoned Beef Snout Meat
  • Highly Spicy Beef Ear
  • Highly Spicy Rooster Gizzards
  • Highly Spicy Beef Toes
  • Lamb’s Head Soup (Frozen)
  • Chinese logo super spicy chicken claws
  • Red Meat Tendon, Shank and Tripe with Chili Sauce
  • logo cooked chicken liver
  • Spicy Chicken Toes
  • Braised Beef with Upholstered Greens

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